eclipse READING


On September 17, we experience our first eclipse on the Pisces-Virgo axis. This North Node lunar eclipse in Pisces is offering us a sneak peek at the next 18-month nodal cycle, beginning January 2025.

In this personalized audio astrology reading, I'll cover the lessons you're meant to integrate with Aries and Libra and the possibilities you're invited to explore with Pisces and Virgo, paying special attention to opportunities for growth and healing.



The September 17 Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces represents an initiatory moment. It's foreshadowing a new era of mutable soul growth occurring on the Pisces-Virgo axis. This 18-month era of nodal evolution officially kicks into gear on January 12, when the nodes enter Pisces and Virgo. But until then, they'll be closing out business in Aries and Libra, offering us more teachings on independence and interdependence, identity and relationship. For these next four months, we'll straddle the line, integrating the cardinal lessons of Aries and Libra and preparing for the mutable possibilities of Pisces and Virgo.

See what lies ahead

This transitional phase between nodal eras is important. It's showing us what must go so we can embrace what will be. This is a ripe moment to tie up loose ends and prepare for the growth and possibility that lies ahead.

In this 30-minute audio reading, I'll explain how the upcoming eclipses and nodal transits will impact you personally, based on the houses, planets, and angles the nodes will aspect from now through July 2026, when they move on to Aquarius and Leo.

Every audio reading with include a retrospective of the relevant houses, planets, and angles that have been most affected by the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra, and a look ahead at which houses, planets, and angles will be most affected by the North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo.



See what needs tying up from the Aries-Libra nodal era. I'll touch on the core themes to be mindful of through January.


integrate the lessons

Get practical, emotional, and spiritual guidance on releasing what's ready to go and clearing space for what's to come.


see new possibilities

Take a look at the core themes and growth opportunities in store for you when the nodes enter Pisces and Virgo.



Prepare for this next chapter in your soul story with ritual tips and advice on how to navigate the nodal weather to come.

Eclipses are an invitation to be still and listen

When the Sun and Moon join or oppose one another in the heavens, we experience a New or Full Moon. And when the lunar nodes are within orb of the Sun and Moon at the same time, we experience an eclipse.

Eclipses always occur in pairs, two weeks apart. And they have six-month echoes, meaning the themes that arise during an eclipse window are likely to resurface six months later, during the next eclipse window. But we can look back even further, to the last time the nodes were in the same signs, to understand even larger life themes that may be resurfacing now.


spot the recurring karmic patterns that need your attention 

see just how much you've evolved 

chart your growth by reflecting on the eclipses of the past




Available for a limited time

what clients say

"My astrology reading with Jana was the best I have had yet. She went over my entire chart in detail and made all of the information easy to digest. She also gave insights on how to apply aspects of my chart into my life which was incredibly useful."

—Brita K.

“Jana told my story so beautifully and thoughtfully. She is insightful and respectful and totally open to being in the experience. We uncovered patterns, and she told me some of the most affirming information I have ever received in a reading.”

—Lizzy C.

“My reading was the perfect balance between guidance and empowerment; Jana provided me with insight that informed the next leg of my journey while empowering me to explore how to integrate and live this wisdom.”

—Sarah D.

“As a reader myself, l've had a lot of readings... but this one was different. This one felt very open-source, authentic, and unbiased. I'll be frank — I very rarely feel understood after a reading, but I did feel understood after this.”

—Nadia D.


Jana Barrett

I'm Jana (she/they), an astrologer, diviner, poet & witch based in the Pacific Northwest. As a Venusian + Plutonian reader, I help guide people through heart-centered transformations. I'll act as a grounding force for you through turbulent times and support you in cultivating a life of alignment, fulfillment, and pleasure. You can read more about my background and ethics via my website and join my Discord to connect with me + other likeminded humans.


What info do you need to read my chart?

I'll need your birth date, birth time, and birth location in order to read your chart. If you don't know your birth time, you're still welcome to purchase — we'll just focus on the planets and skip the houses.

When & how will I receive my reading?

All readings will be delivered via email within 14 days of purchase and form submission. Don't forget to send me your birth details after you pay — there's a link on the confirmation page to do so.

can i ask about specific topics?

You're welcome to choose one focus topic/life area (e.g. finances, love, family) for this reading. Please know that I'm unable to make health/money predictions for legal purposes.


If you have simple questions, like clarification on the meaning of what I said in your reading, you are welcome to reach out via email. Bigger questions will require a follow-up reading (live or recorded).

do you offer a written transcript?

If you need a written transcript along with your audio reading for accessibility, please reach out via email (love@feelingloudly) after booking to let me know. I'd be happy to generate one.

do you offer refunds if I'm not satisfied?

No, refunds are not available after purchase. It takes a great deal of time, energy, and care to analyze your chart, forecast future transits, and record your reading. Thank you for your understanding.

Start charting the next steps of your journey with the help of the stars.